Intellectual Property

Patent Fundamentals

Patent Fundamentals

A patent gives its owner the right to exclude others from making, using, selling, and importing an invention for a limited number of years.  Patents have been the cornerstone of strong IP portfolios for decades. They can help you protect

Pitching Innovation/Public Speaking

Pitching Innovation/Public Speaking

Many great ideas languish because otherwise brilliant people cannot make the right presentation to management or investors or prospects when an opportunity is at hand. Simply, strong presentation skills can help you bring your innovative ideas to life. Our program

Right of Publicity

Right of Publicity

Publicity laws and penalties are in place to prevent others from taking control of your image and using it for their own commercial benefit. Governments and law enforcement agencies care a lot about publicity rights. It doesn’t matter whether a

Trade Dress

Trade Dress

Trade dress is a form of trademark protection. Where classic trademarks are typically comprised of words and designs and combinations of words and designs, trade dress is concerned with the total image or overall appearance of products and packaging such

Confidential Information

Confidential Information

Confidential Information is salient, private, business-related information shared with another party.  Few people really understand confidential information or appreciate the impact such information has on an enterprise; particularly when it’s lost or stolen.  Confidential information is the lifeblood of many

Trade Secrets

Trade Secrets

A trade secret is something not reasonably known or discovered by others which advantages a business over competitors.  Trade secrets can be more valuable than patents, copyrights and trademarks because of their potential for perpetual exclusivity and a never-to-be-published nature.



Copyrights grant the creator of an original creative work an exclusive right to determine how and if an original work may be used by others. Now, consider that we’re in the age of information, of content. The internet has led to


A trademark is a recognizable sign, design, or expression which identifies the particular source of a product or service. Trademarks touch almost every part of a business. In addition to being valuable corporate assets and the foundation of your corporate