Intellectual Property

Intellectual Property and Innovation

Intellectual Property and Innovation

Intellectual Property is the cornerstone of so many businesses throughout our rapidly changing world.  20 years ago you could be a business or technology professional without understanding the fundamentals of IP.  Since then, though, the internet has spread ideas with

Interacting with Patent Counsel

Interacting with Patent Counsel

You’ve come up with an invention.  It could be an incremental improvement, or something totally new and revolutionary. But lacking the right IP when you need it can kill an otherwise promising invention. However, to obtain the right IP at

IP and Social Media

IP and Social Media

As social media weaves its way into our businesses, we need to appreciate the intellectual property risks that come with it. Every employee can inadvertently destroy trade secrets and potential patent rights. They can also infringe copyrights and trademarks. Therefore,

IP Ownership in Business Relationships

IP Ownership in Business Relationships

The importance of intellectual property is never clearer than in the moments following a mistake regarding IP ownership. Such mistakes can dramatically change the outcome of any business relationship. Your relationship with partners, employees, contractors, and even investors could be affected.  Damaging those

IP Rights with US Government Contracts

IP Rights with US Government Contracts

In this time of rapidly changing technology, trade secrets can provide a massive competitive advantage and be the cornerstone of an effective IP portfolio.  Effectively protecting proprietary information and trade secrets can often be more valuable than patents or any other form

Non-Disclosure Agreements

Non-Disclosure Agreements

A non-disclosure agreement is a contract between at least two parties that specifies confidential information that the parties want to share with one another while also restricting access by third parties. Unfortunately, People who pay little attention to what they sign

Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT)

Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT)

The Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT) delivers a unified procedure for filing patent applications in any or all of its contracting nations. As a result, the patent application procedure has been simplified in most countries on earth. Despite being a great

Patent Fundamentals

Patent Fundamentals

A patent gives its owner the right to exclude others from making, using, selling, and importing an invention for a limited number of years.  Patents have been the cornerstone of strong IP portfolios for decades. They can help you protect

Pitching Innovation/Public Speaking

Pitching Innovation/Public Speaking

Many great ideas languish because otherwise brilliant people cannot make the right presentation to management or investors or prospects when an opportunity is at hand. Simply, strong presentation skills can help you bring your innovative ideas to life. Our program

Right of Publicity

Right of Publicity

Publicity laws and penalties are in place to prevent others from taking control of your image and using it for their own commercial benefit. Governments and law enforcement agencies care a lot about publicity rights. It doesn’t matter whether a