Intellectual Property General Awareness

Intellectual Property Training

IP Training isn't mandatory in my organization.

I have minimal (or no) executive sponsorship and limited communication channels to promote training.

My teams are spread out over many geographies and speak several different languages.

I am too bogged down with other priorities to travel to different sites and deliver a long power-point presentation on the fundamentals of IP.

Despite this, I know how critical IP Education is for my enterprise.

What can I do...?

If any of this sounds familiar, our video-based micro-learning approach to Intellectual Property training may be the solution for you...

Whether or not IP Education is mandated in your organization, Executive IP’s tools can help ensure that your efforts are met with enthusiasm by your audience(s). How? With highly engaging videos, and a simple delivery method that requires very little time and effort on your part.In fact, it’s so simple and fast that it’s as easy as hitting ‘send’ on an email. Contact one of our experts to learn how we get near-perfect training adoption
We are constantly updating and adding new material to our library. We’ve perfected a production strategy that allows us to keep costs at a minimum and quality at a maximum.

In fact, we’ll even customize material for you at no cost. If you need something that’s not in our library, we’ll film it for you (exactly how you want it) and include it in your subscription at no additional cost.

We understand the challenges of rolling out new training within your organization’s Learning and Development System. There are forms to fill out, tests to be done, and buy-in needed from other leaders.

To make things simple, you can use our LMS for up to the entire duration of our engagement, at no additional charge.

Rollout on our system is entirely managed by our customer success team, available to you 24/7 on-demand to ensure success.

We get that it’s not just senior leadership that has to endorse IP Training. You need partners from within departments ranging from R&D, to Sales & Marketing.

So, we’ll work with you to create communications that explain why IP is important to help you get the buy-in that you need. See the video here for an example:

This doesn’t surprise us. Industry research shows that training budgets are shrinking while expectations of ROI are increasing.

First, we can help you create a business case with our free, no-commitment pilot program.

Second, our pricing is highly competitive. We price based on the number of courses you’ll have access to, and the number of licenses you need. Speak to one of our reps to see what we can do for you.

Finally, once we’re working together, we’ll invite you to our User Group (EIPUG); a community of IP Leaders from major industries. During our quarterly meetings, we share business cases on all things IP Education. The goal is to make it easier for members to implement structured programs that integrate into their business goals.

Chat with a content expert and see if Executive IP is right for you.

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