Code of Business Conduct and Ethics

Code of Business Conduct and Ethics

To succeed in business, it’s critical to show the world that you’re a company of integrity, honesty, and fair dealing.  And you need to do this with the words and actions of every employee and every contractor.  In so many ways, the way we treat people in the workplace and in business dealings impacts our success in the marketplace.  I’ve talked to hundreds of companies about this, so I know it’s important to you.  It’s so important that most companies have implemented enterprise-wide Codes of Business Conduct and Ethics programs.  A Code that must be read and signed off on by every employee, every year. But these codes of conduct typically have one fatal flaw; hardly anyone reads them.  Yes, I know, there millions and millions of signed Codes of Conduct sitting in HR departments all around the world.  But, I’ve discovered that most people just sign them without even paging through them.  Why?  Well, mostly because they’re way too long and way too boring, in environments where people are way too busy.

Code of Business Conduct and Ethics